Timber Resin Repairs


Main Contractor: Osborne Project Value: £4,300 Project Type: Timber Resin Repairs Maclennan Structural Solutions were called in by Osborne as they had a serious structural problem on one of the stations which they maintain. Maclennan were called because we are rail approved contactors and have worked closely with Osborne and Network Rail for many years, carrying out preservation works to many stations all over the country. The problem at Pulbrough was evident straight away one of the main support beams to the canopy above the platform had decayed and it was only a matter of time before if gave out. The beam could have fallen on to members of the public so was particularly dangerous.

  • Timber Resin Repairs 1
  • Timber Resin Repairs 2
  • Timber Resin Repairs 3


The repair was slightly more difficult than normal as the beam was cantilevered. The beam and canopy roof had to be supported and cut out, but before the beam could be cut it also had to be braced. This was because if the beam was cut without bracing it could have become unstable. Particular care had to be taken as all works were carried out in normal working hours while the public were using the platform. The decayed section of beam was removed and a new premade resin splice was introduced. This was then resined in place. Once the resin had cured the beam was decorated to an invisible join. Supports were left in until resin had gained enough strength and were then removed.


Timber Resin Repairs

  • Timber Resin Splices are used when a timber joist or beam end has become decayed and can no longer carry the load required.
  • They are simple to install by our experienced technicians and are less destructive than the alternative which is a full replacement. The decayed timber is propped then the decayed end is then removed, slots are then formed and the timber splice is then positioned. The area is then sealed and resin is either poured or injected into the slots.
  • Bower Beams are used to replace joist ends that have decayed; they are a simple way to repair the joist without the need for a full replacement which can be very destructive. The joist is supported the decayed end is then removed and the bower beam is them bolted onto the joist end.

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