Case Study / Waterproofing & Gas Proofing
Former Abergavenny Police Station
A redevelopment scheme requiring Water & Gas Proofing

Abergavenny's former police station and magistrates court was sold off with plans approved for retirement apartments at the site. The existing building was to be demolished and replaced with a new structure.
Developer and manager of retirement communities in the UK McCarthy Stone, acquired an interest and proposed to carefully redevelop the site with 47 high-quality one and two bedroom Retirement Living apartments, along with car parking and attractive landscaping. The scheme would positively contribute to the character of this part of Abergavenny, whilst improving the housing choice for local older people.

The project would result in the ground floor properties in the north side being partly below ground level. Maclennan Waterproofing specialists were appointed by McCarthy Stone to design, supply and install a suitable waterproofing and Gas proofing system to this area of the development.
After a site visit, it was suggested by the Maclennan surveyor to install an Externally Applied Gas Membrane over the ground floor construction throughout the footprint area. The remaining Radon Membrane works could be completed once the waterproof works have been carried out.
The waterproofing works suggested by Maclennan waterproofing, are compliant to NHBC standards for waterproofing, as it provides the 2 forms of waterproofing. Firstly, a Crystalcoat was applied to the concrete wall areas, followed by a ventilated cavity membrane from floor to ceiling. A Hydrodrain channel was installed around the wall floor join, with Wall Mounted inspection ports. These are Critical to comply with BS8102 and ensures the system is fully serviceable.
MacLennan completed all works within the time frame and the budget. The waterproofing and Gas Proofing systems are guaranteed for 10 years and backed by MacLennan’s full installation guarantee and PI cover on the design.
The building is safe from water ingress and from the following Gases:
METHANE: Forms an explosive mixture in air at levels of 5-16% by volume.
CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): A toxic, asphyxiating gas, maximum permissible levels 0.5% by volume for long term exposure and 1.5% by volume for short term exposure.
RADON: A radioactive gas associated with increased levels of cancer. Radon gas is tasteless and odourless and is highly hazardous for human beings.
Read more about Radon Gas Here
McCarthy Stone have been awarded by NHBC for ‘Pride in the Job Award’ and acknowledged MacLennan Waterproofing for our contribution.
“We would like to show our appreciation to your team of workers for their valued contribution and support with the Abergavenny development. We very much look forward to working with you and your team in the near future.” – McCarthy Stone