Posts Tagged ‘Construction’

Design meeting at MacLennan headquarters

Waterproofing, Better by Design.

ian scroggins

Ian Scoggins CSSW

I have worked in the construction industry for 28 years and have been specialist waterproofing surveyor for 12 years, my time as a waterproofing specialist has given me a rounded experience of the industry.

During that time in the industry, I have seen projects that have gone very well and some not so great.

Based on my personal experiences, I have come to realise that its early engagement and collaboration with the overall design team that delivers the best results. By everyone investing time in early engagement, I find that designs can often be simplified as sitting around a table and everyone giving their input can often take out expensive complexity and give a much better overall solution, that ultimately benefits the end client.

This only works when the correct sub-contractors are engaged on project early, so they are associated with the project from day one, one thing that sets us apart from manufacturers offering technical support is that we are involved in projects on-site every day and know the practical solutions to problems that aren’t always evident when looking at a drawing.

When it comes to high-risk elements like the basements and waterproofing, going out for multiple tenders and the lowest bidder often leaves you with skills and scope gaps as there is a clear lack of ownership. It can then become about delivering a solution to a budget, rather than a simple but effective solution that works with all the other key partners on the project in mind that’s actually deliverable on-site.

This doesn’t mean the client shouldn’t benchmark the competition and capabilities, as I live in the real world and want to offer real value for money to my clients but I want to do this without them un-intentionally building in unnecessary risk by accident by being insightful and helpful early on. It’s what falls between the cracks where the real risks sit (no pun intended) that really sets out your specialist subcontractor as part of a collaborative team that makes all the difference.

"My role is as much about sleeping well at night, as it is about waterproofing."

As myself, my MD, our insurance company, the main contractor and my end client all want to never ever worry about what the waterproofing is doing as it’s a hidden system in their beautiful property that just does what its supposed to. Its why our company takes full design and solution responsibility and hold genuine guarantees as we offer our clients leak free basements from a waterproofing perspective rather than material warranties.

If you found this blog helpful or would like to hear more technical advice, try booking a CPD with MacLennan! We offer free, lunch provided 1 hour CPD's at your premise.

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Winter Deck & Roof Waterproofing Problems

Like all waterproofing and roofing contractors MacLennan have a tough time trying to apply waterproofing systems in Winter conditions.

Note to contractors, clients and project managers. If you are planning a roof or deck then do it in the spring / summer and hope it doesn’t rain.

All waterproofing and flat roofing systems require reasonable weather.

A responsible contractor will not even attempt to install if the temperature is below 5 degrees or if it is not 3 degrees above dew point. Relationships may be strained by a lack of progress on site, and then on the first day of reasonable weather every project manager will expect that they are next on the list for attendance, when in all likelihood a good busy contractor, will have a number of delayed projects and all for important , demanding clients who are desperate to complete their work and get there building dry. This is a problem shared by the whole industry, which leads to bigger problems when waterproofing contractors carry out installations in inclement conditions to keep the client happy, and then have a failure / leak as a result.

If you must programme work for Winter months remember the cost of a leak will be far more than the cost of a delay.


The golden rules are that work must not proceed unless :

  • Temperature 5 and rising Temperature 3 above dew point, no damp on surfaces.
  • Generally it is not possible to apply adhesives, primers, coatings for at least 24 hours after rain. It can appear dry and sunny but the dew point can still be very high in conditions of high relative humidity.

Remember if the contractor is not installing he is not earning, so he is just as motivated as you are.

MacLennan do have cement based systems for wet decks but not cold and Polyurethane systems for application when quite cold but not wet. Nobody has a system for cold and wet decks.

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0330 3200 240
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