Staff undergo Historic building training with Ian MacLennan

Today at MacLennan’s head office, staff underwent a training session with MD Ian MacLennan on the use of and benefits of traditional techniques when undertaking work on a historic building.

During the training Ian taught the history of lime, lime plasters, wattle and daub and the uses of these techniques throughout history, such as the turning point of Eddystone Lighthouse where hydraulic lime was used for the first time and the resurgence of lime based techniques in the 80’s.


Later on the staff watched videos of Ian creating lime putty from scratch, in a kiln he created at MacLennan’s head office when we used to create and sell lime based products.

MacLennan make sure that all staff are trained in this way so as we can approach the delicate subject of repairing a historic building with a conservationist nature in mind, where it applies.

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